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CKRUET Undergraduate Admission 2023-24

1. Calculator Update: 
Calculator Model Fx-991CW is allowed for CKRUET admission test.
2. Refundale Update:
ভুল করে A level এ আবেদন করে থাকলে https://admissionckruet.ac.bd/home.php এখানে নতুন করে আবেদন করতে হবে 
(নতুন পেমেন্ট করবেন)
A level রিফান্ড এর ক্ষেত্রে আবেদন গ্রহনের শেষ সময়ের পর সমন্বিত ভর্তি কমিটি কতৃক গৃহীত সিদ্ধান্ত  ও নির্দেশনা 
FAQ (https://admissionckruet.ac.bd/faq.php) পেইজে দেয়া হবে। 
3.	Any downloadbale form for A level?
Ans: yes, In A level section you will get login button. If your payment complete you can download money receipt 
and application form. 		
4.	Why can’t I upload my picture and signature?
Image and signature should be png/jpg. Please don't rename your file extension.
For Picture: Picture must be 300*300 dimensions and file size must be smaller than 200KB 
For Signature: Picture must be 300*80 dimensions and file size must be smaller than 150KB
You need to submit exact dimensioned picture.
If your image is not in the specified dimensions, please resize your image in the specified dimensions. 
There are many online image resize portal/tools for resizing image. You can resize image from your personal 
computer also.

Image Resizing using Paint:
Open with paint > from home tab, click resize > select resizing by pixels > uncheck aspect ratio 
> write specified dimension value in Horizontal and Vertical section
(ex: for signature, Horizontal value is 300 and vertical value is 80) > save the file.

5.	How to apply/ application procedures for participation in admission test?